Creation of the earth and man #11 Formation of man #3 Infant salvation and non-elect infant damnation

The question of “infant salvation” and “non-elect infant damnation”, also rests upon the dogma before us. “Orthodoxy” sends some infants to hell and some to heaven; though many “orthodox” persons are getting heartily ashamed of this part of the creed.

File:A baby being baptised (15909273062).jpg
Sprinkling of water on the face of a baby by some churches considered as a valid necessary baptism – Hudson Patterson’s Baptism – Photo Christopher Michel

The apprehension of the damnation of their “immortal souls” on account of “original sin”, has given rise to the Romish conceit of the rhantismal regeneration of infants by the Holy Spirit in the scattering of a few drops of water upon the face, and the use of a certain form of words. This has been recently declared to be regenerative of infant souls by an English court of law! This question was actually gravely discussed by bishops, priests, lawyers and ministers, in the year of grace 1849! So true is it that “great men are not always wise; neither do the aged understand judgment”.

Job 32:9 (ESV): It is not the old who are wise, nor the aged who understand what is right.

As far as the infant is itself concerned, this Romish ceremony is of no importance, for it does it neither good nor harm. In one sense, however, the subject of “the ordinance” is deeply injured. He is indoctrinated by system into the notion that he was truly baptized when rhantismally “regenerated”: and, therefore, when he is grown he troubles himself no more about the matter. Alas, what havoc the apostasy has made with the doctrine of Christ! Believers’ baptism transmuted into rhantizing an unconscious babe for the regeneration of its “immortal soul”! Would such a thing ever have been thought of but for the Nicolaitan “oppositions of science” “which”, says the Lord Jesus, “I hate”? I trow not.

Revelation 2:6 (ESV): Yet this you have: you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Revelation 2:15 (ESV): 15 So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.

– Thomas, D. J. (1848-1849/e-ed.1990). Elpis Israel: an exposition of the Kingdom of God (electronic ed., pp. 30–31). Birmingham, UK: The Christadelphian.



Preceding articles:

Creation of the earth and man #9 Formation of man #1 Cure of souls

Creation of the earth and man #10 Formation of man #2 Mortal bodies and Tartarian habitation

Bible sayings on the situation and place for the dead


Additional reading:

  1. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  2. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism
  3. Edward Wightman
  4. This month’s survey question: Heaven and Hell
  5. Darkness, light, burning fire, Truth and people in it
  6. Is there an Immortal soul
  7. The Soul not a ghost
  8. Building up the spirit of the soul
  9. Grave, tomb, sepulchre – graf, begraafplaats, rustplaats, sepulcrum
  10. Fear and protection
  11. I Can’t Believe That (1) … God would send anyone to hell
  12. God showing how far He is willing to go to save His children
  13. Belief of the things that God has promised
  14. Christ begotten through the power of the Holy Spirit
  15. God’s forgotten Word 5 Lost Lawbook 4 The ‘Catholic’ church
  16. Fr Paddy Byrne finds First communions and confirmations should be delayed
  17. Uprooted Baptists their new idea of baptism
  18. Baptism by immersion: Necessary for salvation?
  19. Rebirth and belonging to a church
  20. Why baptism really matters – e-book
  21. United people under Christ
  22. Baptised sister not of higher status before God then an unbaptised young male?
  23. Communion and day of worship
  24. Agape, a love to share with others from the Fruit of the Spirit
  25. Two new encyclopaedic articles
  26. What are Brothers in Christ
  27. Who are the Christadelphians
  28. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
