Getting more people going to follow the real Messiah

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?

Looking at the world, being sad, noticing that so many people are misled by big institutions that claim to be the only right church, whilst they do not follow at all the Bible teachings, nor Christ his teachings and do worship another god then the God Christ worshipped.

Disenchanted with the choice many people make regarding their faith, I have found enough reasons to create more than one website where I take a look at matters of faith. For example, I think it is important for people to know that they are saved and that there is an opportunity for them to obtain a better life.

Life is so short, often it comes to an end before we are aware of it. In the meantime we have run from one side to the other, made contact with a lot of people but also lost contact with lots of people. We have to number our days and make the best out of them. When we wait until we reach our end, then we would be shamefully much too late. We must make wise use of the time allotted to us. Many parables of the Nazarene master storyteller go about the time many lose and how they are too late when the master returns.

With this website, I hope to make a small contribution to making Jesus Christ the Messiah known. If after a while more people come to see who Jesus really is and what this man has done for us, I will be very satisfied.

The vast majority of those who call themselves Christians are blinded by their denomination which has led them to believe that Jesus is God, rather than the send one of God, a flesh-and-blood man who willingly surrendered himself to the heavenly Father.
Multiple denominations have minimized and trivialized the act of Christ by making him a deity who is immortal.

I would like to make it clear to people that Jesus was indeed a man of flesh and blood who fully desired to do the will of his heavenly Father, the Almighty God, and therefore completely set aside his own will. If Jesus were God, his praying to himself was simply a farce, and he certainly did not have to ask that not his will be done but the will of God. For if Jesus is God, the will of Jesus is the Will of God anyway.
But few people seem to think about that or want to question their spiritual leaders about it.

To expose the misunderstanding as well as to make clear how many churches have departed from true biblical teaching, I designed this blog (and a few other blogs) to make clear that the doctrine of the Trinity is a false doctrine, contrary to biblical teaching.

On this platform, then, I hope to make clear how Jesus is that long-awaited prophet spoken of in the Old Testament. and how God’s promise in earthly Paradise to Adam and Eve became a reality with the birth of that man so that the Word of God became flesh and a reality of salvation for the whole world.

Thus, with the preaching about that Saviour Jesus, I hope that several people will come to see and follow that true Jesus, so that they too will be able to take the true path to the kingdom of peace, and shall be able to enter the small gate to the Kingdom of God.


Additional reading

  1. Trinity matter
  2. Trinity Behind a false doctrine
  3. Trinity history
  4. Only One God
  5. God is one
  6. The Almighty Lord, God above all gods
  7. Jesus son of God or god the son
  8. Jesus son of God
  9. Jesus Christ (the Messiah)



  1. The Bible, True or False?
  2. Entitled?
  3. Just a thought… The Brevity of Life
  4. Why “bog standard” might be a good thing when it comes to ministry…
  5. How can we reduce division in the church?
  6. FTW! (For the win, for the people unsure what it means)
  7. Let Lounging Lions Lie
  8. What Jesus’ Genealogy Reveals About Us
  9. Mark 14:61-64 — The Alleged Blasphemy of Jesus
  10. Jesus is not His God in the Flesh
  11. When we shall have done away with the incomprehensible jargon of the Trinitarian arithmetic
  12. 2 Corinthians 13:14 – Trinity?
  13. ‘Son of God’ Meaning for Jesus Christ
  14. Trinity: A Doctrine of Dividing God into Three
  15. Incest in trinity doctrine
  16. God’s evolution in trinity doctrine
  17. On Jordan Peterson, Religion, & Atheism – Part 3, The Logos-Trinity Ideation
  18. Brief summary of the pagan origin of the trinity doctrine.

Necessary to be known all over the earth

Up until now we have seen that there is Only One Divine Creator Deity Who made everything and Who provided His Word for His creatures living on this planet.

Our world part of God's universe
Our world part of God’s universe

There are many more planets than ours, but we are told by the Words of God how He created our universe and not only gave His Words to His chosen men like Abraham. His words He wants all people to hear them and listen to them, following them up, taking them at heart like the greatest treasure.

In the Garden of Eden things got wrong by man going against God. They had heard and understood what He had said, but thought He was kidding them or withholding something precious for them. When their adversary against the Most High Maker got them in trouble, God provided a solution for them and promised a saviour who would conquer the curse of death.

Though to become safe under the promise of salvation God demands respect for His Word and wants us to embrace and believe the One who brought Jesus to life when the conditions were equally hopeless. (Romans 4:23-24)

Dead Sea scrolls unaltered Word of God
Dead Sea scrolls unaltered Word of God

Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it’s written also for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever He will do next. (Romans 15:4 Message) He asked special chosen people to write down what God found necessary to be known all over the earth. Every yot, every little word is there for a special reason and God would not like it when people would fiddle around with it and change the Words of the scrolls He let to survive in the world. Though many people fought against those words and against the believers in those words, the Word of God stayed untouched, unchanged, and shall be here for ever.

All the world should come to know that every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another — showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Even those who do not believe in God could learn a lot form His Words notated in the Book of books, which has become a best-seller in the world of publications. It also has become the most criticised and discussed word for ever.

Mankind is formed by that Word of God. First of all man himself was created by the Word of God, God speaking and letting man become part of His creation in God His own image. As such also each individual has enough in him or her to come to know Who is behind its being. Each person has in him or in her some force which gives some signs or doubts by which the person shall question its Maker.

Through the Word we are created or put together and by the Word we can let us whole character being shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Those in doubt should see the ones who have faith and hear the ones who  couldn’t be more sure of what they saw and heard — God’s glory, God’s voice. Enough people are convinced and willing to let others know that the prophetic Word was confirmed to them. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts. The main thing to keep in mind here is that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of private opinion. The men of totally different character did not hide their faults and weaknesses and where willing to share their fears and thoughts with those who wanted to read those Words of God. When writing in the Name of God, they just could not hide anything for their readers, like nobody can hide something for God. That what they wrote down for later generations to find was not something concocted in the human heart, but was brought to their mind by the Force of God, the Holy Spirit. Prophecy resulted when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God’s Word.” (2 Peter 1:19-21)

Throughout the ages God guided His people. He protected those who wanted to listen to Him and who followed His orders. People could come to see that what was written down was not just some human fantasy, but all those prophesies brought by the men of God became a reality (except the few which still have to happen). Some prophesies are still given for the future, but like the others, should be a signal for the believers to make sure that they shall be ready when they happen.  For the time being the send one from God, who is taken back into heaven, must remain out of sight in heaven until everything is restored to order again just the way God, through the preaching of his holy prophets of old, said it would be. (Acts of the apostles 3:21)

Lovers of God, gathering to praise the Most High - Breaking of Bread Singing at a Christadelphian Hall
Lovers of God, gathering to praise the Most High – Breaking of Bread Singing at a Christadelphian Hall

As in the old times, today people also should gather with like-minded people. Those who believe in the Words of God, should unite to read and to study the Word of God.  These Words were spoken in the old times but are also the words that Jehovah God speaks today. As they were centuries ago for those who came together in houses or in synagogues, they should inspire people coming together either in their own houses, special meeting places, synagogues or churches. Like there were whole congregations at different places, we should share the Word of God in communities also all over the world. In those houses, ecclesiae, all should come to hear that blessed Word of God. They should wonder about how God spoke in a tremendous Voice from the fire and cloud and dark mist.  (Deuteronomy 5:22)

More than once in history God revealed many things of precious matter. God asked them to be  “Incised sharply”. Like all Israel was addressed, now the whole world is addressed and asked to “Listen obediently”. At first the promise was given to the descendants of Abraham, the people of Israel. but oh so often they went wrong or astray and time came that God provided openings for gentiles to come close again to their Maker. This very day many have become the people of God, the God of Israel.
Therefore we should give our ears and heart to our God. It is high time for mankind to listen to the Voice of God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah. Already millennia He asks man to keep His commandments and regulations. Lots of people still do not want to know. But at the patience of God shall come an end, or better said, at due time god shall find it time to continue with His precious Plan.

God’s Spirit has spoken through many chosen people and God is willing to have His Spirit speak to all who wants to give Him their ear. Though He demands that we shall take Him serious and that His words shall take shape in our heart and on our tongue.

The God of Israel is the God of Abraham Who wants the world to know that He is a Fair and Just God, Who is searching the heart and looks for those who governs fairly and well and who rules in the Fear-of-God. (2 Samuel 23:2-4)

God His message to the world is like fire and God’s Decree is like a sledgehammer busting a rock. (Jeremiah 23:29) We should recognise Its Power and find in it also the power to change not only our selves but also to help change others. Though we should know that we can’t force these things. They only come about through God His Spirit, His Supreme Power, which can make or brake.

In the past we could see that many went against the God of gods and how they steeled themselves against God’s revelation and the Spirit-filled sermons preached by the earlier prophets by order of Jehovah God-of-the-Angel-Armies. And The God of gods became angry, really angry. (Zechariah 7:12)

How long does the world want to test God? How long shall God let the adversaries of God make the world not such a pleasant place to be? We may be sure there shall come an end to the ruling of human beings. There shall come a time when God shall have the send one from Him to govern. This sent one now sits at God His right hand until Jehovah will put our enemies under the feet of the one from the lineage of king David. (Mark 12:36)

Long ago the Holy Spirit spoke through David regarding Judas, who became the guide to those who arrested Jesus. That the Tanakh or Scripture had to be fulfilled, and now has been. (Acts 1:16) the last reason has taken place to bring the fulfilment of previous prophesies about the provision of the Most High. That betrayed son of God, a man of flesh and blood, who knew his place and wanted only to do his heavenly Father‘s Will and not his own will, offered himself for mankind. By his ransom all debts are paid and are we too liberated. By Christ Jesus his ransom offering all men and women can come to Jesus his heavenly Father and say like Jesus Abba to Him Who created heaven and earth.

God, who through the preaching of all the prophets had said all along that his Messiah would be killed, knew exactly what the people at that time were doing. But He also knows what we are doing and what is going on in our hearts. (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2; Jeremiah 17:10)

God has given every person enough time to show others their real identity and to have it formed through God-sent prophets. It is up to each individual either to want or to reject a good relationship with their Maker.

To help us to go through life, God has given His Words. They can guide us and help us in good and bad circumstances.  Those words can hold up in bad times and all should know that God His promises shall rejuvenate many.  For the mitzvah, God’s commands provides sound advice being a beacon, good teaching a light, moral discipline being a life path. (Proverbs 6:23) And Jehovah God is unswervingly loyal to the thousands who love Him and keep His mitzvot or commandments. (Exodus 20:6)

All the world should come to recognise that the Most High Elohim has given His teachings and commandments to instruct mankind. We should believe and do what God tells us to believe and to do, and should not be cling to human traditions and false teachings. Even when we first latched onto some false teachings it is never to late to change idea and to go for the pure Word of God. Never is it to late to walk in the paths God shows you.
Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts, God His course for life set out in the revelation to Moses; then you’ll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go.
We all have the free choice, but we should know that God demands loyalty. Our lives must be totally obedient to the One and Only One God, our personal God, following the life path He has cleared, alert and attentive to everything He has made plain this day. (Exodus 24:12; 1 Kings 2:3; 1 Kings 8:61)

Don’t you think His concern extends to us?

In the Word of God, put together in the library of 66 books, called the Bible,  we can find  all warning markers —Danger! We should take the Bible also as our history book, written down so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the people spoken about in it. Our positions in the story are parallel — they at the beginning, we at the end — and we are just as capable of messing it up as they were. This we should take at heart seriously. And we should be careful not to fall in the traps of man. Living in this period were we are coming closer to the Acharit-hayamim or the ends of system of things we must make the right choice and than God shall be willing to avoid too strong temptations and shall provide the way out in order for us to be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:11-13)

This website is just at its beginning state, but we do hope we shall be able to get people coming along and to share the Message of the Good News in the knowledge that we need the corrections by God through His Word and through His Spirit. As brothers and sisters in Christ and as children of God we want to come closer to the Most High with the knowledge that it’s the child God loves that Jehovah the God of gods corrects. A father’s delight is behind all this. (Proverbs 3:12)

It is our sincere hope we and our visitors may get a good grip on the Message, knowing how to use the truth to either spur people on in knowledge or stop them in their tracks if they oppose it. (Titus 1:9)

In our love to the Most High God and being thankful for God’s son his ransom-offering we also want to follow the instructions given by Jeshua, (Jesus Christ) God’s son, our Master teacher, and go out into the world preaching the message of peace and the coming Kingdom of God.

Our faith and love is rooted in Christ, exactly as Paul and the other apostles set it out for us. (2 Timothy 1:13)

Those who say they love Jesus should carefully keep his word and remember what Jesus said about him and his heavenly Father. The message Jesus brought was not his message because he is not God himself. If Jesus is God, it would have been his message. Jeshua (Jesus Christ) who also said he could not do anything without his Father said he brought the message of the Father who sent him. The Father is the goal and purpose of Jesus his life and should also be our goal and purpose.

Today we have the words of Christ who told his disciples ahead of time that he would ask his Father to give them insight so that when it happened, the confirmation was to deepen their but also our belief in Jesus. The world might know how thoroughly Jesus loves the Father and how he is carrying out not his own will but his Father’s instructions right down to the last detail.  Jesus didn’t make those things up. What he taught came from the One who sent him. It was the Father who sent Jesus Who gave him orders, told him what to say and how to say it. (John 7:16; John 12:49; John 14:23-31)

The apostles later wrote down all the things we should know about Jeshua (Jesus Christ) the Messiah, so that the world should come to know him and the One who had sent His only begotten son to the world to save it.
The words Jesus spoke to his disciples and the listeners and curious ones around him were not mere words. We should be fully aware what it means that those words were not made up on his own. The Father who resided Jesus crafted each word into a divine act. This we should believe. In Jesus we should find our rabbi or master teacher. We also should trusts him and follow up his words, becoming a follower of Christ or being a Christian.

Hanged on a stake as a criminal but also as the King of the Jews
Hanged on a stake as a criminal but also as the King of the Jews

In Christ we can find salvation and shall find the way to the Father. Therefore to get to know the words and works of Christ we also should read what the apostles wrote about him. Those writings from the New Testament are the complementary writings to the ones from the Old Testament. Only with taking up both big units shall people come to the full insight and total understanding.

We should be aware that the godless world can’t take the Spirit of truth in because it doesn’t have eyes to see Him, doesn’t know what to look for.

God is strong, and he wants us strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the adversary throws your way. With the Word of God in our heart we ourselves can grow but shall find ourselves the best tool to bring others to the truth. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. (Ephesians 6:10-17e)

God means what He says. What He says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon’s scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. (Hebrews 4:12) All who find God should put away their old life. Your old birth came from mortal sperm; your new birth comes from God’s living Word. Just think: a life conceived by God himself! (1 Peter 1:23)

When you got the Message of God the apostles preached and you didn’t pass it off as just one more human opinion, but you took it to heart as God’s true word to you, which it is, God himself is at work in you believers you too should go out and proclaim the Word of God, getting others to learn the truth as well. (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

Take up the Word of God, read it, study it and take with you every day of your life as the most precious treasure, and God will bless you.

English: The Psalms scroll, one of the Dead Se...
The Psalms scroll, one of the Dead Sea scrolls. Hebrew transcription included. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Find the Bible verses by this article in the following article: God-breathed prophetic words written torah and the mitzvot to teach us


Additional reading:

  1. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God
  2. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  3. People Seeking for God 6 Strategy
  4. The Right One to follow and to worship
  5. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures
  6. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  7. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  8. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #2 Purity
  9. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  10. Showing by the scriptures that …
  11. Looking for wisdom not departing from God’s Word
  12. True God giving His Word for getting wisdom
  13. Bible Word of God, inspired and infallible
  14. Eternal Word that tells everything
  15. God’s Blog recorded in a Book
  16. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger
  17. Creator and Blogger God 11 Old and New Blog 1 Aimed at one man
  18. Bible Word from God
  19. Bible guide
  20. Bible in the first place #1/3
  21. Bible in the first place #2/3
  22. Bible in the first place #3/3
  23. True God giving His Word for getting wisdom
  24. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  25. Coming to understanding from sayings written long ago
  26. Appointed to be read
  27. Bible, God’s Word to edify (ERV)
  28. Unread best-seller
  29. Statutes given unto us
  30. Bible, God speaking words profitable for doctrine, for reproof and for correction
  31. Bible, sword of the Spirit to come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man
  32. Bible, helmet of health, salvation and sword of the spirit
  33. Bible, helmet of salvation, God’s Words put in the mouth of prophets for perfecting, to reprove and correct
  34. Hearing words to accept
  35. Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible
  36. Cleanliness and worrying or not about purity
  37. Scripture alone Sola Scriptora
  38. May reading the Bible provoke us into action to set our feet on the narrow way
  39. The manager and Word of God
  40. Feed Your Faith Daily
  41. We should use the Bible every day
  42. For it is no empty word
  43. Incomplete without the mind of God
  44. Increase our zeal for the Holy scriptures
  45. Believing in the send one and understanding that one does not live by bread alone
  46. Bric-a-brac of the Bible
  47. Incomplete without the mind of God
  48. Hidden Treasures
  49. Those who love Jesus
  50. The holy spirit will bring back to your minds all the things told
  51. God who knows the heart
  52. A treasure which can give me everything I need
  53. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  54. Teach children the Bible
  55. Engagement in an actual two-way conversation with your deities
  56. Not able to make contact with God because to busy


Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2

Like God had given His manna to His people in the desert, He still continues to give spiritual manna to the people in the world. Throughout history several people came to understand that God was guiding them and giving them spiritual nourishment. King David was not so pride to hide that he received knowledge from God and wrote down many psalms for his Sovereign Master. Like any other man David also made faults. After he repented (doing a work of faith) he was pardoned by God Who exalted him.

English: Words associated with Fear
Words associated with Fear (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God had told the world He would make His words known to the people because He has called, though many did not want to or refused to listen. God even has stretched out His Hand and no one has heeded, because man has ignored all God’s counsel and would have none of His reproof, and therefore Jehovah God also will laugh at our calamity and will mock when terror strikes the world.

Pro 1:20-33 NSB  Wisdom calls you! She raises her voice in the streets and marketplaces.  (21)  She calls in the streets, in the opening of the gates: in the city she utters her words. She says:  (22)  »How long, you simple (stupid) (foolish) ones, will you love simplicity (foolishness) (stupidity)? The scoffers delight in scoffing. Fools hate knowledge!  (23)  »Listen when I reprove you. I will pour out my spirit on you. I will make my words known to you.  (24)  »I called you! I stretched out my hand to you. You paid no attention to me.  (25)  »You have ignored all my counsel. You accept no correction.  (26)  »I also will laugh at your trouble. I will mock when your fear comes.  (27)  »Trouble and distress will surround you like a whirlwind, like a great storm.  (28)  »You will ask for my help, but I will not listen. You will search, but you will not find me.  (29)  »You have no use for knowledge and you refuse to respect Jehovah.  (30)  »You rejected my advice and paid no attention when I warned you.  (31)  »Now you will get what you deserve for what you have done. Your own advice will make you sick.  (32)  »Sin and self-satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools.  (33)  »Whoever listens to me will be secure and will be free from the fear of evil.«

English: Solomon's Wealth and Wisdom, as in 1 ...
Solomon’s Wealth and Wisdom, as in 1 Kings 3:12-13, illustration from a Bible card published 1896 by the Providence Lithograph Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For ages, centuries, many people would not want to see that it is not good or not right to reject the counsels of wisdom. God gave council to the world but His given wisdom was not liked by man, though it is quite clear and evident in Solomon’s teaching that true wisdom is from God and that the understanding of His words is something that is given and not innate to human nature.

Job 21:14-15 NSB  »They say to God: ‘Leave us alone! We do not desire to know your ways.’  (15)  »Who is the Almighty that we should serve him? And what do we gain if we pray to him?

Job 22:17 NSB  »They said to God: ‘Leave us alone.’ They asked: ‘What can the Almighty do to us?’

Isa 30:11-14 NSB  »‘Get out of our way! Stop blocking our path! Get the Holy One of Israel out of our sight.’«  (12)  This is what the Holy One of Israel says: »You have rejected this warning, trusted oppression and deceit, and you leaned upon them for support.  (13)  »For that reason your sin will be like a high wall with a bulging crack, ready to fall. All of a sudden it will fall.  (14)  »It will break like pottery. It will be smashed. Nothing will be left of it. No piece will be big enough to carry live coals from a fireplace or to dip water from a reservoir.«

They hated knowledge coming from a place unknown to them and did not choose the fear of the Maker of everything, despising all His reproof. Therefore those people shall have to abide in the consequences. Even though the words are so strident and even harsh, it is actually a kindness for wisdom to rebuke so sharply in accord with justice — it is life itself which is at stake. The chiefest of our duties as creatures of God Most High is to fear him; thus, it is the height of rebellion to despise the reproofs of wisdom that comes from him.

Rom 1:28 NSB  They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, so God gave them over to a reprobate (depraved) mind, to do things that are not fitting.

Pro 6:23 NSB  For the commandment is a lamp. The law is light. Reproofs for instruction are the way of life.

Psa 19:7-11 NSB  The law of Jehovah is perfect. It gives new life. The testimony of Jehovah is dependable. It makes the simple wise.  (8)  The statutes of Jehovah are correct. They make the heart rejoice. The commandments of Jehovah are radiant. They make the eyes shine.  (9)  The reverence of Jehovah is pure. It endures forever. The decisions of Jehovah are true. They are completely fair.  (10)  They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even the drippings from a honeycomb.  (11)  They warn your servant. There is a great reward in following them.

Psa 119:151-152 NSB  You are near, O Jehovah. All your commandments are truth!  (152)  Of old I have known from your laws that you have founded them forever.

From the beginning of times there were the Laws of God. Adam and Eve got to hear them. They heard the things they could do freely and got to hear their restrictions. They did not obey God’s commandments. When they were cast out of the Garden of Eden it did not make an end to those commandments.

God had set out rules for a certain reason. It is also to protect ourselves. Following those rules we shall be able to have lesser problems in life than those who do not want to know about God’s commandments. As time went by God had to add certain laws, but His Word did not change like He did not change at all. He is, was and always shall be the same eternal God Who made heaven and earth and Who has a Plan with creation.

Some may find God’s Words and His commandments not so clear, but often it is because they have not yet opened their ears for that Word of God fully. The understanding of His words shall also come in the time of God. As God likes it He will see what is in the heart of a person and shall provide accordingly.

Deu 8:1-2 NSB  »Be careful to do all the commandments I commanded you today! You will then live and multiply and go in and possess the land Jehovah promised to give to your forefathers.  (2)  »Remember the forty years Jehovah your God led you in the wilderness. He did this in order to humble you and test you. He wanted to know what was in your heart. Whether you would obey his commandments.

Jer 17:9-13 NSB  »The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately corrupt. Who can understand it?  (10)  »I, Jehovah, search the heart and examine the mind (inner man). I give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.  (11)  »A person who gets rich dishonestly is like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay. During his lifetime, he will lose his wealth. In the end, he will be a wicked fool.«  (12)  From the very beginning our sanctuary was a glorious throne on high.  (13)  You will put to shame all that forsake you, O Jehovah, the hope of Israel. Those who turn away on earth will be written down, for they have forsaken Jehovah, the fountain of living water.

Jer 11:20 NSB  O Jehovah of Hosts, you are a fair judge. You test motives and thoughts. I want to see you take revenge on them. For that reason I presented my case to you.

Jer 20:12 NSB  Yet, O Jehovah of Hosts you test the righteous. You see the mind and the heart. Let me see your vengeance on them for to you I have revealed my cause.

Lots of people thought to have wisdom in them, but it was more their pride that let them think they had wisdom. they also forgot that everything a man has he receives from God. When a person can do something it is because God allows it to happen. It is not said that it would be good or would be bad. Some things may look bad at one moment but turn out for the better at a later stage. Those getting pride in what they know or in what they can do should remember that wisdom is not innate to human nature. It is also not said we are all born stupid or without any wisdom. But by birth we lack a lot of things, because we have been formed by imperfect beings, our parents also being the result of a copulation of two not so perfect beings. By time the faults in the human genes got multiplied. Man lost also the feeling with creation, becoming less connected with fauna and flora.God wants His creation to be in unity with each other. Man has drifted away from that good relationship which was there in the Garden of Eden. That good relationship is also what God wants to be restored and has provided for His theocratic reign, the future Kingdom, where there will be no death, because that is something He hates. Jehovah views death as an enemy.

1Co 15:26 NSB  The last enemy to be destroyed will be death. (Revelation 20:14)

God brought it over Adam and eve and their offspring. Straight ahead in the Garden of Eden He promised for a solution and throughout He let His people know He did not like this situation with suffering and death. He has a longing to conquer that enemy, to undo death by means of the resurrection. He yearns to bring back those who are in his memory and to see them live on earth again.

Job 14:14-15 NSB  »If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my change (release) to come.  (15)  »You will call and I will answer you! You will long for the creature your hands have made.

God feels for us when we suffer, wants others to know how He is with His people and shall protect them and provide hope that all suffering will end.

Zec 2:8-11 NSB  »Jehovah of Hosts proclaims: ‘He sent me after glory! He sent me to the nations that plundered you. For he that touches you touches the pupil of his eye.’  (9)  »Behold! I will shake my hand (power) over them, and they will be a spoil to those who served them.« Then you will know that Jehovah of Hosts has sent me.  (10)  »Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For I am coming, and I will dwell in the midst of you,« said Jehovah.  (11)  »Many nations will join themselves to Jehovah in that day, and will be my people! I will dwell in the your midst, and you will know that Jehovah of Hosts has sent me to you.«
Psa 37:9-13 NSB  For evildoers will be destroyed, but those who wait for Jehovah will inherit the land.  (10)  A short time from now the wicked man will be no more. You will look carefully for his place and he will not be there.  (11)  The meek (gentle) (mild) (humble) will inherit the earth and will delight in the abundance 0f peace.  (12)  The wicked plots against the righteous and grinds at him with his teeth.  (13)  Jehovah laughs at him, for he sees that his day will come.

But man shall have to be patient until the Day of God shall come. even Jesus did not know when that day would come. In the meantime man should consider how Jehovah God feels when His people are cruelly mistreated. (About the past times the Bible says that Jehovah was distressed because of “those who were treating them abusively.”)

Jdg 2:18 NSB  When Jehovah established judges he supported each judge. He delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days the judge lived. He had compassion for them as they groaned under those who oppressed and afflicted them.

God provided man to lead, judges, priests and kings, but most of all His Word, written down by men could trust and was willing to provide with His wisdom.It was at God’s time that things were written down and so not directly whilst he events took place. After the events took place but the prophesies where written down years and years long before those events took place. About certain elements it was not yet necessary to have them written down at the time because the people who hear about it had also been witnesses of the events. Before the Gospels were written, the gospel message was still known because people preached it (e.g., Matthew 28:19-20). The eyewitnesses who were alive at the time could verify and vouch for the validity of the message that was being preached (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; 1 John 1:1-4). When the original eyewitnesses (especially the inspired ones [John 14:26]) of the events the Gospels describe were reaching the end of their lives and would soon no longer be able to orally verify that accounts of Jesus’ life  given in teaching and preaching were true (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 1:1-4). The writers of the Holy Scriptures have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among them. They felt the Hand of God and were seriously aware of the necessity to report everything truthfully, without hiding their own deficiencies. In Scriptures you may find the writers their own imperfections or flaws. They show us how they were guided and got wisdom from God’s Word and how necessary it is for us to take heed. With what they wrote down we should be able to come to more wisdom. Many do not know the scriptures or the power of God, but those who are opening their mind to read it and learn from it can find answers in their head. The sent one from God, Jeshua, Jesus Christ, tried to get the people to understand easier the Word of his heavenly Father. He too had to open the eyes of his pupils, like other prophets before him.

Luk 24:45 NSB  He opened their minds that they might understand the scriptures.

It are also those Scriptures which tell us what happened and what still shall come. They show us how God provided a solution against death and who that solution is. But to see what the solution is people have to come to hear the testimony which that Nazarene man gave. as soon as the time was indicated by God that son of man testified of his heavenly Father; for the works which the Father had given him to finish, bear witness of him, that the Father has sent him and that it was not like some think God Himself coming down to earth.  Scripture tells us that people shall have to hear that it was the Heavenly Father Who sent Jesus and testified of this man telling no lies to the world and saying to all those around Jesus that he is His son.

Mat 3:17 NSB  Then a voice from heaven said: »This is my Son whom I love and whom I have approved.«
Joh 12:28-30 NSB  »Father, glorify your name.« A voice came from heaven: »I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.«  (29)  The crowd near him only heard thunder. Some said an angel spoke to him.  (30)  Jesus said: »This voice came for your sake and not for mine.

Today also for us it is impossible to see Jesus or to see God. We also cannot say with certitude we heard God His Voice as such or seen His form.  Though we can hear God’s Voice by what Jesus has brought over the world and by the Comforter Jesus asked God to sent to this world. The ones who refuse to read the Bible or to listen to words of it shall not find God’s Word abiding in them, for they do not believe Jesus whom the Most High Elohim has sent.  They may search the Scriptures, because in them they think that they have eternal life or they may dream of a separate element being taken out of their body, which they call their soul going up to heaven. What we see in this world that many of those still prefer like in the old times to keep to traditions, to keep having part in the pagan celebrations. Some of them may even say they love Jesus, but they do not want to see and take Jesus for what he really is and for what he really has done. In a certain way they refuse to come to Jesus so that they may have life, becoming children of God in a restored New World. We should not be like those who do not believe that Jesus is the sent one from God. We should believe the words like they are given in Scriptures and have to come to believe that Jesus receives glory from Jehovah God, from Whom he comes. We should accept and put our hope in the fact that Jesus has come in his Father’s name. We do have the Old and the New Testament to teach us and to guide us and to make it clear how everything happened and who is who. From Scriptures we shall come to see on whom we have to set our hope.  We should believe Moses, Isaiah and other prophets and have to believe in Jesus’ words.

Joh 5:36-47 NSB  »The testimony I have is greater than that of John. The works I do are the works the Father gave me to accomplish. They testify that the Father has sent me.  (37)  »The Father who sent me testifies about me. You have not heard his voice nor seen him at any time.  (38)  »You do not have his word dwelling in you. This is because you do not believe in the person he has sent.  (39)  »You search (investigate) (study) the Scriptures because you think that in them you have everlasting life. These Scriptures testify about me.  (40)  »And yet you will not come to me that you may have life.  (41)  »I do not accept glory from men.  (42)  »I know that the love of God is not in you.  (43)  »I came in my Father’s name and you did not receive me. If another came in his own name you would receive him.  (44)  »How can you believe? You seek praise and glory from one another? Why do you not seek the glory that comes from the only God?  (45)  »Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father. Moses on whom you have set your hope is a plaintiff against you.  (46)  »It is a fact! If you believed Moses you would believe me. He wrote about me!  (47)  »If you do not believe his writings how will you believe my words?«


Preceding articles:

Next: Necessity of a revelation of creation 5 Getting understanding by Word of God 3


Additional reading:

  1. Fragments from the Book of Job #6: chapters 38-42
  2. “Who is The Most High” ? Who is thee Eternal? Who is Yehovah? Who is God?
  3. Hearing words to accept
  4. Eternal Word that tells everything
  5. Looking for wisdom not departing from God’s Word
  6. God’s Blog recorded in a Book
  7. Bible in the first place #1/3
  8. Bible in the first place #2/3
  9. Bible in the first place #3/3
  10. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger
  11. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  12. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn’t
  13. We may not be ignorant to get wisdom
  14. Wisdom lies deep
  15. Fools despise wisdom and instruction
  16. Humility and the Fear of the Lord
  17. Words to inspire and to give wisdom
  18. Jehovah steep rock and fortress, source of insight
  19. No good thing will he withhold
  20. Trust God to shelter, safety and security
  21. God is my refuge and my fortress in Him I will trust
  22. Look for your Refuge by God
  23. God my fence, my hope for the future
  24. Keep your heart on the right path
  25. Discipleship way of life on the narrow way to everlasting life
  26. Blindness in the Christian world
  27. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus
  28. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  29. Looking for something or for the Truth and what it might be and self-awareness
  30. Old language to confirm the promises
  31. OT prophesies and the NT fulfilment of them
  32. Jesus begotten Son of God #7 A matter of the Future


  1. On other WordPress blogs:
  2. Psalm 23 A Love Song
  3. Dig for Wednesday the 25th of March…..we are blessed because of God’s love for His son…..2 Samuel 9:1
  4. Listening to Your Spirit


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Necessity of a revelation of creation 3 Getting understanding by Word of God 1

The God of order who planned everything does not yet look at the world which would be like He has planned it. We should know that this world is not yet according to the wishes of the Divine Creator.

English: Their are thousands of artworks creat...
Their are thousands of artworks created in the art world depicting St Paul. This painting was created by the famous artist called Rembrandt. It hangs on the walls of the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is worth reminding ourselves that this world is not as it should be. The Bible describes how suffering entered the world as a consequence of Adam and Eve’s sin. The apostle Paul says that “creation was subjected to futility” (Romans 8:20), and we see this “futility” in the world around us.

Rom 8:18-23 NSB  I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us.  (19)  For the earnest expectation of the creation is waiting for the manifestation (revelation) (disclosure) of the sons of God.  (20)  For the creation was subject to corruption, not by it’s own will but by reason of the one who subjected it on the basis of hope.  (21)  The creation will also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  (22)  For we know that the whole creation groans and is in pain together until now.  (23)  We also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption and the release from our bodies by ransom.

2Co 4:17-18 NSB  Our light affliction is for the moment. It works more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory for us.  (18)  We do not look at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporal (for a season). But the things that are not seen are eternal.

People do not all live to ripe old age, but some are cut off prematurely through disease or accident, others loose their life by accident. The many tragedies we may witness in our life are reminders that the world is not as God originally intended – it is a world separated from God by sin. We also can see that lots of bad things happen because the people did not live according the rules of God, not respecting others or not respecting the laws of nature.

As long as we live in this world and with this world system, not having the theocracy set up which God has prepared for the world, those who believe in God and take His Words for granted, there is hope. The prosecutor of the first followers of Christ, got a shock and had his eyes opened. As a devote Jew Saul knew the Word of God but did first not see the light because he wanted to keep strongly to the traditions and the Jewish teaching by which he was grown up. When the sent one from God, the son of man Jeshua (Jesus Christ) opened his eyes, Paul came to understand that God subjected the world to futility “in hope”, because there will come a day when the world will be delivered corruption and restored to the paradise that God intended (Romans 8:20-21).

The momentary and light affliction of ours is working out for us an eternal weight of glory, great beyond expression, while we are aiming not at things seen, but at things unseen; for the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are eternal. Lots of people get blinded to day by all those modern gadgets which seem to enliven their circumstances. Lots of people do think they can gain lots of friends of social media which would make them so much more special. How are they mislead! Lots of people are trying to build themselves a super world which they loose as soon as they die. They do not see that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be set against that glory which is about to be revealed for us. (Romans 8:18)

Lots of them do not hear the words God gave the world. After the fall the God of love did not abandon his people. He also understand the weaknesses of man and did not mind His own son even crying unto Him why he would have abandoned him (Jeshua).

Mat 27:45-46 NSB  Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.  (46)  About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, »Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?« Which (translated) means: »My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?«

Mar 15:33-34 NSB  It was the sixth hour and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.  (34)  At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying: »Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?« Interpreted it means, »My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?«

Jesus asking the Only One God of Abraham to be with him and to help him to endure.
Jeshua who came down from heaven, not to do his own will but the will of Him (God) who sent him (Jesus), asking Jehovah the Only One God of Abraham to be with him and to help him to endure, saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done. “

God had not left Jesus alone, though he had perhaps that impression. (In case Jesus was God himself such a cry would naturally be ridiculous and when he would be God he could not leave himself alone or abandon himself.) Jesus who always tried to do God’s Will and not his own will, loved the God of Abraham very much and had always followed the Words of the God from the Holy Scriptures.

Mat 6:9-10 NSB  »‘Our Father in heaven, holy is your name. (Exodus 6:3) (Psalm 83:18) (Isaiah 42:8; 54:5; 63:16; 64:8)  (10)  »‘Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:33) (Daniel 2:44) (Revelation 11:15) (Psalm 37:10,29) (Acts 24:15)

Mat 7:21 NSB  »Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. He who does the will of my Father in heaven will enter.

Mat 12:50 NSB  »For everyone who does the will of my Father who is in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.«

Mat 26:39 NSB  Then he went forward a little, and fell on his face, and prayed: »My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.«

Mat 26:42 NSB  A second time he went away and prayed, saying: »Father, if this cannot pass away, except I drink it, your will be done.«

Mar 14:36 NSB  He said: »Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup from me. Even so not what I will, but what you will.«

Luk 22:42 NSB  He prayed: »Father if it is your will remove this cup from me, nevertheless not my will, but your will be done.«

Joh 6:38-40 NSB  »I do not do my own will. I came down from heaven to do the will of him that sent me.  (39)  »This is the will of him that sent me that I should not lose any of those he has given me, but I should raise them up at the last day.  (40)  »For this is the will of my Father. Every one who sees the Son and puts active faith in him will have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day.«

Joh 7:16-17 NSB  Jesus replied: »My teaching is not my own. It is his who sent me.  (17)  »If any man does his will he shall know the teachings. He will know if it is from God, or whether I speak from myself.

When impaled, יהושע Jeshua (Jesus) cried onto his heavenly Father, the God of Abraham and the Only One True God: “Ěli, Ěli, lamah sheḇaqtani?” which is translated, “My Ěl, My Ěl, why have You forsaken Me?: My God, My God, why did You forsake Me?
When impaled, יהושע Jeshua (Jesus) cried onto his heavenly Father, the God of Abraham and the Only One True God: “Ěli, Ěli, lamah sheḇaqtani?” which is translated, “My Ěl, My Ěl, why have You forsaken Me?: My God, My God, why did You forsake Me?

Many have no eye nor ear for those Scriptures and have left God. They abandoned Him temporarily or for ever, but God stays open to receive them back. In our affliction  many bad things may come over us, but we should also try to see the good things. some people do have to have first something very bad happening to them before they come to realise that they need God. When all these bad things have come upon them in the latter days, when they turn to the Lord of lord of lords, the Most High Elohim, come to recognise the existence of This God of gods, and hearken to His Voice because Jehovah, the Lord their God, is a merciful God; He will not forsake them utterly, nor totally destroy them. He will not forget the covenant of their forefathers, which in the very long past, Jehovah confirmed to them with an oath.


Deu 4:27-40 NSB  »Jehovah will scatter you among the nations. You will become few in number among the heathen, where Jehovah will lead you.  (28)  »You will serve gods that are the work of men’s hands. Made of wood and stone. They cannot see, hear, eat or smell.  (29)  »From there you will seek Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your being. And you will find him!  (30)  »When you are in trouble (distress) and all these things happen to you in the latter days, turn to Jehovah your God and obey his voice.  (31)  »Jehovah your God is a merciful God. He will not forsake you. He will not destroy you, nor forget the covenant he made with your fathers.  (32)  »Ask about the days from the past. A time that came before you, since the day that God created man upon the earth. And ask from one side of heaven to the other whether there has ever been anything like this great thing, or anything like it has been heard?  (33)  »Did people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of the middle of the fire, as you have heard, and live?  (34)  »Has God attempted to take a nation from the middle of another nation? Has he done this by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by great terrors? Yes, and by the use of his great power! Jehovah your God did all this for you in Egypt before your very eyes!  (35)  »This was shown to you that you might know that Jehovah Is God! There Is No One Besides Him!  (36)  »He made you hear his voice out of heaven. That way he could instruct (teach) (correct) (discipline) you. He showed you his great fire on the earth. You heard his words from the middle of the fire.  (37)  »He loved your fathers. Therefore he chose their descendants. In fact he watched over you and he brought you out of Egypt with his mighty power.  (38)  »He drove out nations far greater than you so that he could bring you in and give you their land as an inheritance as it is today.  (39)  »Know this and consider it in your heart today: Jehovah Is God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath: There Is No One Else!  (40)  »You must keep the regulations and commandments I commanded you today. Then all will go well with you and with your children after you. You may prolong your days on the earth that Jehovah your God gives you for all time.«

This God said so that people could come to understanding for not taking other gods as their god. Jesus knew this very well and tells us he did not want to do his own will but only the Will of his heavenly Father who Jesus considered to be the Only One God Whom we should worship, and not him or any other man. Jesus knew that it was over for him when he got impaled. (John 19:28) In order that the scripture might be accomplished or in order that the scripture might be fulfilled the sent one from God died with no bone of him being broken. (John 19:36)

Jesus, like several other men of God, did not abandon God nor His Laws. They followed the scrolls which were given from one to the next generation. In those scrolls we can see that though many times people did not want to see the wonders of God and were ignoring Him, He always came back to them when they had left Him.

Neh 9:6-17 NSB  »You are Jehovah, even you only! You made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their armies, the earth and all things in it, the seas and everything in them. You keep them from destruction and the armies of heaven are your worshippers.  (7)  »You are Jehovah, the true God, who took Abram and made him yours, guiding him from Ur of the Chaldees, and gave him the name of Abraham;  (8)  »You saw that his heart was true to you, and made an agreement with him to give the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Jebusite and the Girgashite, even to give it to his seed, and you have done what you said; for righteousness is yours.  (9)  »You saw the trouble of our fathers in Egypt, and their cry came to your ears by the Red Sea.  (10)  »You did signs and wonders on Pharaoh and all his servants and all the people of his land. You saw how cruel they were to them. So you made a name for yourself as it is today.  (11)  »You parted the sea before them, so that they went through the sea on dry land; and those who went after them went down into the deep, like a stone into great waters.  (12)  »And you went before them by day in a pillar of cloud and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light on the way they were to go.  (13)  »You came down on Mount Sinai, and your voice came to them from heaven, giving them right decisions and true laws, good rules and orders.  (14)  »They received word of your holy Sabbath from you. You gave them orders and rules and a law, by the hand of Moses your servant.  (15)  »They received bread from heaven when they were in need, and you made water come out of the rock for their drink, and gave them orders to go in and take for their heritage the land that your hand give them.  (16)  »But they and our fathers, in their pride, made their necks stiff, and paid no attention to your orders.  (17)  »They would not obey you and gave no thought to the wonders you did among them. They became stubborn and turning away from you. They appointed a leader over themselves to take them back to their prison in Egypt. However, you are a God of forgiveness, full of grace and pity, slow to wrath and great in mercy, and you did not give them up.

Neh 9:18-33 NSB  »Even when they made for themselves a bull out of metal, and said: ‘This is your God who took you up out of Egypt, and had done so much to make you angry.’  (19)  »Even then, in your great mercy, you did not give them up in the wilderness. The pillar of cloud still went before them by day, guiding them on their way, and the pillar of fire by night, to give them light, and make clear the way they were to go.  (20)  »You gave your good Spirit to be their teacher. You did not hold back your manna from their mouths. You gave them water when they had need of it.  (21)  »Truly, for forty years you were their support in the wilderness. They needed nothing. Their clothing did not get old or their feet become tired.  (22)  »You gave them kingdoms and peoples, making distribution to them in every part of the land. They took for their heritage the land of Sihon, even the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og, king of Bashan.  (23)  »You made their children as great in number as the stars of heaven. You took them into the land, of which you had said to their fathers that they were to go in and take it for themselves.  (24)  »So the children went in and took the land. You overcame before them the people of the land, the Canaanites, and gave them up into their hands, with their kings and the people of the land, so that they might do with them whatever it was their pleasure to do.  (25)  »And they took walled towns and a fat land. They became the owners of houses full of all good things, water-holes cut in the rock, vine-gardens and olive-gardens and a wealth of fruit-trees. They had food enough and became fat, and had joy in the good you gave them.  (26)  »But they were hard-hearted, and went against your authority. They turned their backs on your law, and murdered your prophets. These prophets gave witness against them with the purpose of turning them back again to you. They did much to make you angry.  (27)  »So you gave them up into the hands of their enemies who were cruel to them. In the time of their trouble, when they prayed to you, you listened to them from heaven. In your great mercy you gave them saviors, who made them free from the hands of their enemies.  (28)  »When they had rest, they did evil again before you: so you gave them into the hands of their enemies who ruled over them. When they came back and prayed to you, you listened to them from heaven; again and again, in your mercy, you gave them salvation.  (29)  »You admonished them so that you might make them come back again to your law. Their hearts were lifted up, and they paid no attention to your orders. They went against your life giving decisions and turned their backs on you. They were stubborn and did not listen.  (30)  »You put up with them for years. You admonished them by your Spirit through your prophets. Still they did not listen. So you gave them up into the hands of the peoples of the lands.  (31)  »Even then, in your great mercy, you did not put an end to them completely, or give them up; for you are a God of grace (loving-kindness) and mercy.  (32)  »Now, our God, the great, the strong, the God who is to be respected, who keeps faith and mercy, do not let his trouble seem small to you. It has come on us, and on our kings and our rulers and on our priests and our prophets and our fathers and on all your people from the time of the kings of Assyria till this day.  (33)  »You have been in the right in everything that happened to us. You have been true to us, but we have done evil!

When Adam and Eve were cast out they could tell their children what happened. And their children could continue telling what happened in the Garden of Eden and what the consequences were of the things man had done wrong. The population grew and more and more things happened where God had to intervene and God had to give guidance again so that people would be able to come back on the good track.

To help man, enabling him again to restore the relationship with their Maker God gave them His Words so that they could get more understanding of all things.


Preceding articles:

The very very beginning 2 The Word and words

Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man

Necessity of a revelation of creation 2 Organisation of a system of things

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 1

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 2

Next: Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2


Additional reading:

  1. Creator and Blogger God 5 Things to tell
  2. The faithful God
  3. A promise given in the Garden of Eden
  4. Increased in wisdom in favour with God
  5. I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered
  6. Old age
  7. A Jewish Theocracy
  8. Bad things no punishment from God
  9. Who was Jesus?
  10. Entrance of a king to question our position #2 Who do we want to see and to be
  11. The day Jesus died
  12. Why do we need a ransom? 
  13. How Many were Bought
  14. As Christ’s slaves doing the Will of God in gratitude


  • Dead and Buried (
    One of the grandest blessings in the entire Bible is often missed by believers. It is the burial of Jesus Christ! That’s right! The burial of Jesus is a blessing to you. Because not only have we died with Him, we have been buried with Him.
  • Christ Receives Sinful Men (
    Jesus Christ is referred to as the “Lamb of God”. This symbol points to Christ being a perfect sacrifice for sin. It also conveys his meekness and his willingness to submit to suffering and death and that He did.
    Through the death of Jesus Christ, God has provided a means of removing guilt, thus op
  • Ten Commandments in Christianity – Intro (
    Some think or believe that these Divine edicts were done away with via Christianity. This is false. In Christian Scriptures, these Commandments are restated in the gospels by Jesus Christ and in the epistles by His Apostles.
  • “… If We Only Had The Backbone To Do Our Duty?” (
    many professing Christians wrote me with comments to the effect that we should not be concerned about whatever global tyranny may be developing, because “it’s all a part of God’s plan,” or “Jesus is coming soon,” and similar statements. I, too, believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to earth.
    They seem to look at God as some kind of glorified fireman, who is obligated to rush in at the last minute to rescue them from a burning fire–a fire that they helped ignite, or at least, refused to put out themselves when they had the opportunity to do so. It’s the old, “God would not let that happen in America” syndrome.
  • Preparing For Eternity (
    God promises to give so much to his children and none of which we deserve. Peter tells us that our inheritance is unfading. He later in the same chapter tells us to set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible as a Revolutionary Toolkit (
    Learn how and why the bible is a revolutionary’s handbook and the antecedent for modern Individualism, Existentialism, Democracy, and Communism as Shawn and Aaron are joined by DJ Matt Hogan for a very special bible study.
  • Culture Change by the Apostle Paul (
    The Apostle Paul was a dynamic leader as a founder of Christianity and the church of Jesus Christ. As a Jew, Paul was keenly aware of the culture of the Jewish people and their customs, but recognized growth was necessary for his people to follow Jesus the Christ. Paul’s central message throughout his ministry focused on a simple concept: to become like Jesus Christ and live a life in accordance with his teachings and example. (I Co. 11:1, Ep. 5:1, 4:22-24, Ga. 3.27, Ro. 8:29) In establishing Christianity, Paul was on a journey to change the culture of the Jewish people to embrace a new reality given to them by Jesus.
  • Joel Osteen’s false gospel (
    We never like to close our broadcast, without giving you a chance to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
  • Who Will We Reach? (
    If we retreat from the world because everyone else is unholy, who then would be saved? If we retreat from preaching and praying and influencing people in the world, then who will we reach?
  • Christian Benefits (
    Whether you are a Christian or not, it is helpful to know what Christian benefits are, and are not. You might be surprised. Many people incorrectly think that Christians have health, wealth, no problems, and an easy life. — Not! God does not promise any of these to Christians.

Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man

The Divine Creator of heaven and earth wanted His creation to know Who He is and wanted to be worshipped by them. When man revolted against His Wishes He had to make it clear to them that He is and always shall be the Most High. Loving His creation He knew that they were miserable in making the wrong choice. Therefore He provided a solution but demanded His creation to come to know Him better and to restore the broken relationship.

He had a plan with His creation, but by the choice man made this plan was interrupted. To come back to the point were man went wrong there had to come a second Adam who would proof the world that it is possible for man to keep to the commandments of God and to fulfil God’s Wishes. The world had to come to see who that man of salvation is and why God has imposed such Laws unto man. At the same time the one sent from God (Jeshua from the lineage of King David) would come to declare the works of God and show the world Who his heavenly Father is and what He wants from the human beings. This man to be born in Bethlehem would have to reveal the Divine Creator.

English: Creation myth Deutsch: Schöpfungsgesc...
Creation myth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The whole world should come to see the necessity of a Revelation to make known the origin, reason, and tendency of things in relation to man and the world around him — An intelligible Mystery, and the only source of true wisdom; but practically repudiated by the Moderns.

Man in the world may have forgotten Who is behind everything, but it are the lovers of God who should bring them back on track and show the world the light of Christ and the Way to the Most High Supreme Power.

Man may be lost in the amount of things around him. He might consider him just an element in a universe about which we still do not know much. Though some may think they know a lot of that universe. When looking at it they may see the world or earth revolving upon its own axis, and describing an ample circuit through the boundless fields of space, a planet of the solar system bearing upon its surface a population of over a thousand millions subject to sin, disease, and death.

Dr John Thomas wrote in the 19th century:

This orb of the starry heavens shines with a glory similar to that of its kindred spheres. Viewed from them, it is seen sparkling “like a diamond in the sky”; and with the rest of the heavens, declares the glory of God, and shows forth the handiwork of Him that did create it.
This celestial orb, which is a world or system of itself, is styled The Earth. It is the habitation of races of animals which graze its fields, lurk in its forests, soar through its atmosphere, and pass through the paths of its seas. At the head of all these is a creature like themselves, animal, sensual and mortal. He is called Man. He has replenished the earth and subdued it, and filled it with his renown. His crimes, however, rather than his virtues, have illustrated and distinguished him with an unhappy pre-eminence above all other created things. His heart is evil; and, left to its uncontrolled impulses, he becomes licentious, merciless, and more cruel than the fiercest beast of prey.
Such is the being that claims the independent sovereignty of the globe. He has founded dominions, principalities, and powers; he has built great cities, and vaunted himself in the works of his hands, saying, “Are not these by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?” He repudiates all lordship over him, and claims the inalienable and inherent right of self-government, and of establishing whatever civil and ecclesiastical institutions are best suited to his sensuality and caprice. Hence, at successive periods, the earth has become the arena of fierce and pandemoniac conflicts; its tragedies have baptized its soil in blood, and the mingled cries of the oppressor and the victim have ascended to the throne of the Most High.
Skilled in the wisdom which comes from beneath, he is by nature ignorant of that which is “first pure, and then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy”. This is a disposition to which the animal man under the guidance of his fleshly mind has no affinity. His propensity is to obey the lust of his nature; and to do its evil works, “which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, sects, envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like”. All these make up the character of the world, “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life”, upon which is enstamped the seal of God’s eternal reprobation. “They who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God,” but “they shall die”.
Such is the world of human kind! The great and impious enemy of God upon the earth. Its mind is not subject to His law, neither indeed can it be. What shall we say to these things? Is the world as we behold it a finality? Are generations of men, rebellious against God, and destroyers of the earth, to occupy it successively through an endless series of ages? Are men to repeat the history of the past for ever? Is the earth always to be cursed, and sin and death to reign victorious? Who can answer these inquiries? If we survey the starry canopy, thence no sign or voice is given expressive of the truth. They declare the eternal power and divinity of their Creator, but they speak not of the destiny of the earth or of man upon it. If we question the mountains and hills, the plains and valleys, the rivers, seas, and oceans of the earth, and demand their origin, why they were produced, to what end they were created; their rocks, their strata, their fossils, or deposits, afford us no response. Turn we to man and ask him, “Whence comest thou, and what is thy destiny? Whence all tile evil of thy nature, why art thou mortal, who made thee, who involved thee in the wide-spread ruin and calamity on every side?”
Ask an infant of days the history of the past, and he can as well detail it, as man can answer these inquiries without a revelation from Him who is before all, and to whom is known from the beginning all He intends shall come to pass. So true is it, that, unaided by light from heaven, “since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what is prepared for him that waiteth for him”; but, adds the apostle in his comment upon these words of the prophet, “God hath revealed these things unto us by his spirit … which things we (apostles) speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the holy spirit teacheth; interpreting spiritual things in spiritual words.”
To the Bible, then, all must come at last if they would be truly wise in spiritual things. This is a great truth which few of the sons of men have learned to appreciate according to its importance. A man may be a theologian profoundly skilled in all questions of “divinity”; he may be well versed in the mythology of the heathen world; be able to speak all languages of the nations; compute the distances of orb from orb, and weigh them in the scales of rigid calculation; he may know all science and be able to solve all mysteries,—but if, with all this, he be ignorant of “the things of the spirit”; if he know not the true meaning of the Bible; he seemeth only to be wise, while he is, in fact, a fool. Therefore, the apostle saith, “let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men”. If our contemporaries could only attain to the adoption of this great precept, “let no man glory in men”, they would have overleaped a barrier which as a fatal obstacle prevents myriads from understanding and obeying the truth.
But while God lightly esteems the wisdom of the reputed wise, there is a wisdom which He invites all men to embrace. This is styled “the wisdom of God in a mystery”; it is also termed “the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world which none of the princes of this world knew”. It is said to be hidden in a mystery, because until the apostolic age, it was not clearly made known. This will appear from the following texts: “Now to him that is of power to establish you according to the revelation of The Mystery, which was kept secret (χρόνοις αἰωνίοις) in the times of the ages, but now (in the time, or age, of the apostles) is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.” “By revelation God made known unto me, Paul, The Mystery, which in other ages (former ages under the law of Moses) was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto the holy apostles and prophets by the spirit, that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.”

Here is “the knowledge of God”, in which are contained “exceeding great and precious promises”, the understanding of which is able to make a man wise, and “a partaker of the divine nature”. Now, although these hidden things have been clearly made known, they still continued to be styled the mystery; not because of their unintelligibility, but became they were once secret. Hence, the things preached unto the Gentiles, and by them believed, are styled by Paul, “the mystery of the faith”, and “the mystery of godliness”, some of the items of which he enumerates; such as, “God manifest in the flesh, justified by the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory”. Thus an intelligible mystery characterizes the once hidden wisdom of God, and becomes the subject matter of an enlightened faith. This, however, is not the case with regard to religious systems which are not of the truth. Unintelligible mystery is the ultima ratio for all difficulties which are insoluble by the symbols of ecclesiastical communities, whose text of universal application is, that “secret things belong to God, but the things which are revealed, to us and to our children”. This is true; but, then, these things which were secret in the days of Moses, have been revealed by God to the apostles and prophets for our information.

– Thomas, D. J. (1848-1849/e-ed. 1990). Elpis Israel: a standard work of the Christadelphian community and exposition of the kingdom of God with reference to the time of the end and the age to come, available at the Christadelphian bookshop.


Preceding articles:

To be continued: Necessity of a revelation of creation 2 Organisation of a system of things


Additional reading:

  1. What is life?
  2. Science and God’s existence
  3. Cosmos creator and human destiny
  4. Different principle about the origin and beginning of everything
  5. Human Nature: What does the Bible teach?
  6. Destination of the earth
  7. Destination of righteous
  8. No man is free who is not master of himself
  9. Always a choice
  10. Choices
  11. It is a free will choice
  12. Object of first woe
  13. The Cares of Life
  14. Subcutaneous power for humanity 2 1950-2010 Post war generations
  15. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  16. Reflect on how much idolizing happens
  17. 8 fears caused by the fear of Man
  18. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  19. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #5 To meditate and Transform


  • Our Father In Heaven By: Joe Stowell (
    What do we know about God as our Father? According to Jesus’ prayer, we know that our Father in heaven is available and attentive to us. It is also clear that He provides for us. He forgives us and protects us from evil (vv.2-4).
  • Some Sins Indeed Result In Greater Judgment (
    , if Christians are guilty of the criticism of which they have been charged, isn’t that tendency in part the result of the way the Biblical narrative presents itself?
  • Man who raised God as son (
    just like God had a plan for Joseph, God has a plan for each one of us. The plan does not need to be more than that He wants us to be upright and righteous. He wants us to be loving parents, loving husbands and wives. God wants us to follow the law – observe the commandments. But, just like Joseph, we may feel that we don’t have anything to contribute: that we are nothing but simple carpenters…we may feel insignificant, that we have nothing to offer. Still, God has a plan for us. God gives us dreams and speaks to us in our dreams.
  • Follow Me (
    With Christ being alive and with us we can do all things if we trust in him. He has a place picked out for us in his heavenly kingdom, filled with God’s presence.
  • David “A Man after God’s own Heart | How God Chooses in 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (
    Some may wonder why we would even bother to spend time on a man who has been dead some three thousand years.  The short answer to that is this: David achieved in his life something that God wants each of His children to achieve.  David achieved something that many of us fail to accomplish.  David became a man after God’s Own heart and a study of his life can teach us how to do that too.
  • Sermon: The Heart of God Seeks Unity (
    The Civil War left a tragic aftermath of bitterness, hatred, and resentment in America. The wounds inflicted by the war were deep and painful. Though the guns fell silent, the angry recriminations went on. Many could not forget or forgive what had been done. Exchanges between former enemies rarely rose above the level of angry accusations and scornful denunciations.
  • Gospel, 21 March, Lent, Year B (
    Chrysostom adds that the Pharisees neither knew the fullness of the Law, neither did they do what it commanded, for it said that no man should be killed without being granted a hearing. But it is clear, from the testimony of Nicodemus, that not all the Pharisees were blind. He knew, from his own experience, the power of the words of Jesus, but he is silenced, as Peter will be later, by fear of the wrath of the Pharisees. Like us, he is weak and fearful. Authority on earth is a powerful thing and can drive us into silence. Can we summon the courage to confess Him in such circumstances?
  • 1 Samuel 26 (
    David knows good and well it is not God who wants him dead.  So he calls on Saul to wake up and realize that he is listening to bad advice and direction from his men.
  • March 9 – peace (
    Heavenly Father, help us purge ourselves of those attributes which make not for peace but which set the stage for war.
    Lord hear our prayer, and grant us your peace.
  • Vayikra after its opening word וַיִּקְרָא, which means and He called (
    For the Jews this Shabbat is the last of the Four Parashiot that have special Torah readings in preparation for Pesach (Passover), which is only two short weeks away! For Jews and Christians it should be the most important day of the year.

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 2

People should not doubt that the Supreme Divine Creator is all-powerful. It is wrong to think He needed to test Adam and Eve at all. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

God had given an instruction to safeguard them. God knew what could happen but they did not listen out of their own choice. When He fretted that Adam had become “like one of us“, God was not talking to some other gods or other beings but speaking in the Royal We, like any higher person still uses the Pluralis Majestatis today. (Genesis 3:22) The author of the Testimony of Truth wants us also to look negatively at the Maker and says:

But what sort is this God? First he maliciously refused Adam from eating of the tree of knowledge, and, secondly, he said “Adam, where are you?” God does not have foreknowledge? Would he not know from the beginning? And afterwards, he said, “Let us cast him out of this place, lest he eat of the tree of life and live forever.” Surely, he has shown himself to be a malicious grudger! And what kind of God is this? For great is the blindness of those who read, and they did not know him. And he said, “I am the jealous God; I will bring the sins of the fathers upon the children until three (and) four generations.” And he said, “I will make their heart thick, and I will cause their mind to become blind, that they might not know nor comprehend the things that are said.” But these things he has said to those who believe in him and serve him! {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

It is the same as parents who noticed their children having done something wrong. They know where they are, and when they are hiding they mostly also know exactly the place where they are hiding, though still ask them to say where they are, trying to give them a chance to come out themselves and to show themselves in the condition they are.


English: Yale Papyrus Fragment from the Nag Ha...
Yale Papyrus Fragment from the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Library Codex III, containing The Dialogue of the Savior (Yale Beinecke Library). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alexander Rivera of The Aeon Eye dedicated to research and ideas regarding scholarship in theology, various ancient texts spanning different cultures of all ages, comparative mythology, philosophical exegesis, apocrypha, patristics, the Nag Hammadi Library and the Bible, believes the author of the Testimony of Truth designating the serpent as a positive figure, telling the story from the view of the serpent.

Concerning the text also distinguishing Christ as the “Son” or messenger he talks about the “unknown Father” which is distinct from the “Lord God” of Genesis or the Lawgiver which was equated by many Gnostic groups such as the Sethians, Naasenes and the Valentinians with the Demiurge or the “Craftsman” who fashioned the cosmos from a chaotic pre-existent “prima materia”.

The Marcionites held a similar position, but lacked the speculative and imaginative cosmologies that were a staple in later Gnostic mythology, but held both the creator god as a lesser god and the Good, Supreme God as distinct, but co-eternal beings in a constant state of antagonism (we see this idea carried into the later doctrines of the Manichaeans and the Cathars). The Demiurge did not derive from the Supreme God by emanation or by a fall of another aeon. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Scripture wants us to believe the Maker of all things, the Maker of the Universe is a God of Order and Clarity, who is a God of Love.

Marcion, much like his Gnostic predecessors denied that the God of goodness could have created the cosmos of corruption and entropy. Therefore, in his place, the creator god was assigned as author of the physical universe, while treated as an inferior being, not good, but only just. He is also the author of evil (as Isaiah 45:7 boldly asserts), as he is as much a lover of war (Exodus 15:3), erratic blood-lust in his constant demand for animal and human sacrifice, rejoicing in death (Deuteronomy 28:63), condoning slavery including sexual (Exodus 21:1-11), commanding the Israelites to rape, pillage and destroy at a moment’s whim (1 Chronicles 21, Deuteronomy 3, Joshua 6) all the while contradicting his own commandment of “Thou shalt not kill”. At his express command, the world is turned into a place of pain and “thorns” (Genesis 3:18)

English: A lion-faced deity found on a Gnostic...
A lion-faced deity found on a Gnostic gem in Bernard de Montfaucon’s L’antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The saying by the prophet Isaiah that the Elohim would be a God of evil is indicating that the Most High Maker Who has no peer, no God but Him, allows evil to come over people, even making His People arm them for battle. It is true that the Bible says even though man does not recognize Him, He does this so people will recognize from east to west that there is no God but Him. Already early at the Creation God made it clear that out of the void it was Him Speaking and making it to happen. From the very start of the universe the living creatures had to know that it was Him Who made them. All had to understand that it is Him The One Who forms light and creates darkness. It was Him Who created out of chaos order and brought about peace and created calamity. Waters had to flow, air had to flow, but now that man had interfered with creation and disturbed the peace and tranquillity they themselves brought great misfortune over themselves, not out of God’s Will but out of their will. It where they who wanted to rule the world and have everything to say, so God allowed them to arrange the things like they want to do it. But up until now they still not have given any proof to be capable to order the world decently.

True, God by giving everything in the hands of incompetent human beings made that affliction became master of mankind. Though He allows all those things to happen in the hope that at one point those people will come to recognise that He alone is the Divine Supreme Maker Who deserves all worship and honour. God is patient enough to find enough people who are willing to recognise that the Elohim Hashem Jehovah is the Most High Lord over the Lord of lords, Who accomplishes all these things.

People shall also have to notice that certain things that happen may look at one moment good but at an other may look bad, like the changing skies with clouds sending down showers of deliverance. Also figuratively people shall get to see that the earth shall have to absorb the ‘showers’ from God so salvation may grow, and deliverance may sprout up along with it. This all in the knowledge that it is the Divine Supreme Being Who creates it.

Isa 45:5-8 MKJV  I am Jehovah, and there is none else, no God besides Me; I clothed you, though you have not known Me;  (6)  that they may know from the rising of the sun, and to the sunset, that there is none besides Me. I am Jehovah, and there is none else;  (7)  forming the light and creating darkness; making peace and creating evil. I Jehovah do all these things.  (8)  Drop down from above, O heavens, and let the clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth open, and let salvation bear fruit; and let righteousness spring up together. I Jehovah have created it.


Lots of Christians accuse Muslims to have a cruel God (Allah), because they hear stories of what that God says and do not seem to know that they have the same God saying naturally the same things. But those hard words God speaks in the Old Testament, which many Christians do not know, are part of God reacting on the bad things the people did.

That God allows it all to happen is that otherwise an intervening God would again being able to become the accused as being a dictator, only allowing that to happen what and how He wants it, not giving any liberty to man. That was the charge in the Garden of Eden. God was wrongly accused as wanting all right to govern Himself. Man forgot that they were given freedom to name and manage their own world.

Those who want to believe the world that God only executes the law without mercy or compassion when it is convenient for Him are the one the Bible is calling satan or adversary. The opponents of God, the antagonists and objectors are the ones who are mentioned many-fold in the Bible. The ones who want the world to believe that God would be a person of king-like jealousy and pride, with great appetite for praise and sacrifices are the ones who gave breath to the enemy and what motivated many early Christians to interpret “the Lord God” as either an ignorant but just creator or at worst, a malicious and belligerent demon called “Ialdaboath”. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Many assume wrongly that Jesus is talking about his heavenly Father being the father of evil and the one owning this world, but The Elohim has given the world in the hands of man, God’s adversary. It is not about God when there is said

He was a murder from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. {John 8:44 / Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Jesus is giving reference to the “father of lies” who is not his heavenly Father, but the master of evil, God’s adversary (the ‘devil‘), who can be any human person who doubts the existence and the right of power of God.

Alexander Rivera points out:

it was Yahweh who said that they would die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge, whereas the snake said that they wouldn’t—and of course, as we know, they didn’t. All that they Serpent said is that they would become as gods, which Yahweh confirms when he says, “Look, they have become as gods. Now we must remove them from the garden, lest they eat of the tree of life and live forever.” The night preceding his crucifixion, the Johannine Jesus says in John 12:31-33:

Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince (archon) of this world will be cast out.

The prince or “archon” is a direct reference to the Demiurge, the “god of this aion” as Paul calls him 2 Corinthians 4:4. Before, the creator God said to both Adam and Eve “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” On the other hand, the Serpent said pointedly: “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

The author of Genesis let us know that Adam and Eve where cast out of the Garden of Eden and would have to face death, because God told them so and that all their offspring would have to face the problems and will have to die as well. This penalty form one to the other generation is a thorn in the eye of many Christians as well, but otherwise God would intervene again and could be accused of favouritism, giving partiality to His own people.

The eyes of both of them were opened, making them aware of what they had and what they now had to loose. Eve in her heart had hoped to get more wisdom. She did not want to believe that they would die. How could the one Who made them, losing them again? Reason why we do not follow the Gnostic writings is that they continue to follow the path of Eve and the adversaries of God who want us to believe that it was the Serpent who was right and  the creator God Who was the one who had lied.

He said that Adam and Eve would die if he ate the fruit, but neither died. Instead, the Serpent was telling the truth. As a matter of fact, the creator himself ended up agreeing that the Serpent was right! The creator Lord God had proved himself to be a chronic liar as well as plagiarizer. To the Gnostics, the entire stratum of material creation was a failed and botched attempt to imitate an unknowable world of light. Likewise, the “Good Book” or “Word of God”, which being the Bible itself is based principally on pre-Biblical Babylonian and Egyptian texts. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Rivera looks also at the claim of St. Augustine of Hippo in Adversus Haeresis, 46, 147-153, that the Manichaeans had also taught that “Jesus the Splendor” or the “Third Messenger” was the Serpent that illuminated the minds of both Adam and Eve of their predicament and their divine origins.

Before the arrival of the Serpent in the Garden, man was in a state of ignorance and was blinded to his true position—as automatons in blind servitude to their creators. This is confirmed by an unnamed Manichean text in which the 8th century historian, Theodor Bar Konai quotes:

Jesus the Splendour approached sinless Adam and awoke him from the sleep of death, that he might be delivered of innumerable demons… Then Adam examined himself and realized, who he was. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Man has always played with the idea of being master of creation becoming superior to its Creator. In the races of worldly people, human artefacts have become objects of fear for their creators – for example statues and images and everything that is made by human hands as representing a god. In Christendom we still find many Christians who have that urge to bow down in front of graven images, though the Maker has clearly demanded not to do so. Several Christians made them crosses, statues of Jesus, Mary and several saints where they bow for and where they burn candles for or in certain countries even provide food and clothing. Though this is all abomination in the eyes of God.

People made themselves many male and female gods and also in Christendom we can find people who worship a ‘mother of god‘, though the God of gods has no mother and no beginning being an eternal Spirit.

We can agree with Alexander Rivera who writes in his blog The Aeon Eye:

Ultimately, the aim of the creator god is to align mankind as the reflection of the creator rather than something far grander. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)}

Trees, fruit and seeds have always played an important role in many cultures and were often used symbolically as well.

Rivera writes:

As we can see, the Tree was an important universal symbol for not only the Gnostics, Simonians, Valentinians, etc, but to groups like the Jewish-Kabbalists, alchemists and many occult groups throughout the ages. The Tree is highly associative with the idea of the descent and crucifixion (and eventual ascent and resurrection) of spirit into and from matter as seen in Sophia-Achamoth’s fall from the celestial world and into the prima materia which parallels the Genesis account of the fall of Eve, the “mother of the living”. In Plato’s Timaeus, do we find the account of the Fall of Atlantis, (as strange as it might sound) which could be read as symbolic of the Divine tragedy and catastrophe so predominant in Gnostic cosmology and theology. {Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 3)}

We too look at the seed of Adam which brought forth the seed of Abraham, giving us the servant David, giving seed to next generations bringing into the world a new light, a seed without intervention of a man.


Please do find the very interesting articles by Rivera:

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 1)

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 2)

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 3)

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden (Part 4)


Preceding posts:

Coming to the creation of human beings in the image of God

Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 1

Scripture about Creation and Creator Deity


Additional reading:

  1. Creation Creator and Creation
  2. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and movement
  3. יהוה , YHWH and Love: Four-letter words


  • Gnostic Salvation And Rebellion Against God’s Law (

    For Gnostic Christians, the story of salvation is the story of human beings learning of their true position in the world and of their taking the necessary steps to escape the bondage of the evil Creator God. The Gnostic goal was the return of their Spiritual Light, which the Creator God had trapped within their bodies, to the Father Of Light.

    Many Gnostics believed that the Savior was sent by the Father Of Light to help us in this quest. Others, like Marcion, believed that the Savior was sent by another deity entirely, an “Alien God” completely uninvolved in the creation of our particular cosmos, but who, knowing of our condition, took pity on us and sent the Savior to deliver us.

  • What If God Were NOT Good? (
    The beliefs we today associate with Christianity and the Bible became the orthodox set of beliefs, the form of Christianity in which God is good. But there was another form of Christianity, that of the Gnostics. Unlike the Orthodox Christians, many Gnostic Christians believed God to be a malevolent being. Both types of Christians believed in the Savior, but they had different versions of his mission. And whereas Orthodox Christians believed in salvation via faith in the divinity of the Savior, the Gnostics believed that salvation is to be obtained via knowledge (“gnosis“) of our true condition, hence their name.
  • Deceptive Practices (
    The first lies recorded (although we know he was already telling them in heaven) are the the lies about God’s character. He lied to Adam and Eve about God’s love and care for them. The lies were relational.What if Satan’s deceptive practices begin with or are grounded in lies about others? It would be in his best interests if we think the worst about others – their beliefs, their practices, their intentions and character. I also suspect that we reveal our acceptance of the lies and our culpability in spreading them when we say, “All (insert person or group) are (insert belief, practice, intention).”
  • Can a Gnostic army fix the world? (
    God gave us dominion over the animals to care for them, and that is in Genesis.  And Christ reinforced those sentiments, so I don’t know where he got that, unless he has not read the Bible, which is possible.  In fact, it was Christ who brought a new coverant stopping the slaughter of animals by the Jews and instead offered himself as the redeeming sacrifice.  So, I am not sure where he got that, but be it as it may,  just focus on the recommendations which I think are reasonable, actually.   How do you protect society from those that murder at will for no earthy good reason, especially little children and babies.
  • Humble beginnings: a rib and an apple (
    As a little aside, when God in Genesis 1 creates Adam, the name denominates mankind rather than a specific dude. In Genesis 2, however, God moulds Adam the man from the earth and breathes life into him. It is this Adam who is gifted with Eve, lest he become too lonely playing with himself.
    The tree, however, was always on their minds, a little teaser that now and then had them taking a couple of steps in its direction before remembering it was out of bounds. Eve would pick an apple from another tree and bite into it, eyes stuck on the perfect, Christmas-red apples that hung from the Tree of Knowledge. She bet those apples tasted sweeter, were crunchier and jucier. Adam would pick an apple and eat it while watching Eve, considering just what he would do to her after their meal. men are, at times, rather singleminded…
  • Great Day (
    God is…my Father. That’s a revelation that doesn’t come easily to everyone but one we need to get. We can be disappointed by our own Father but without realising it not notice that God has filled our lives with many Fathers. Thanks to Rachael for sharing her journey in this in such an honest way.
  • Jesus the Phoenician – Karim El Koussa on GW Radio (
    “Yāwshu (Jesus) is the son of the Canaano-Phoenician Most High God Ēl-Alyon, being the Son of the Virgin Lady Maryām by the Divine Will of the Lord, who blessed this conception of a child that would be named Immanuel. He would live among us as “God Ēl with us,” a Nazarene, sacredly chosen to consecrate himself for keeping the word of God in his heart, mind, and spirit, healing the human race from its many errors and sins. He is the Galilean Meshiha (Messiah) who would anoint the people—who believed in him, his mother, and Father, and who believed in the Great Message he came to deliver, Love and Peace—with sacred water, the purest form of what is considered as the origin of life here on earth. He is the Khristós (Christ) who came and had himself crucified on the altar of life so that we may be clean and have life abundantly. He is the Good Shepherd.”
    ― Excerpt from Jesus the Phoenician
  • Fear & Loathing In… God? (
    How can God loath his chosen people? How does that even make sense? In one of John Webster’s sermons on this very Psalm he addresses how this can be. Honestly its one of the best explanations of God’s wrath and hatred and anger that I have ever read…
  • Trust (
    Trusting in riches instead of our Father means you can’t attain to a relationship with God, you have replaced God with riches, thus you can’t attain, only fall.
  • Scripture of the Day, 3/13 (
    1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

The very very beginning 2 The Word and words

In the previous chapter The very very beginning 1 Creating Gods, I pointed to a first big mistake many people make. Lots of people do think there were more people involved in the creation of the universe. Lots of people make the wrong assumption by taking nouns for names and making objects in persons, as such making words being people, like they also make wisdom a person. For titles they also use them as names and make for something what can used for any body, like the adversary or satan, one specific person with such a name, as Satan.

One Creator

The first chapter of B'reshit, or Genesis, wri...
The first chapter of B’reshit, or Genesis, written on an egg, in the Jerusalem museum (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the Bereshith, the book of the Beginnings or Genesis 1:1  is written that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Gen 1:1 בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית H7225 be·re·Shit In the beginning  בָּרָ֣א H1254 ba·Ra created  אֱלֹהִ֑ים H430 E·lo·Him; God  אֵ֥ת

This Most High Elohim the Adonai, had a name and is the Only One True God, Former or Maker of heavens and earth. In many bible translations, mainly published after 1960, the ‘a’ and ‘the’ and capitals left away or interchanged, plus omitting the Name of God and replacing Adonai or Elohim with lord instead of Lord made it very difficult for readers to see the difference between the different Biblical characters spoken of, the Lord God Most High, the Lord of Lord of lords, the lord Jesus or any lord. Because of this many could not any more see clear between The God of gods and a god.

Isa 45:18 כִּ֣י H3588 ki For  כֹ֣ה H3541 choh thus  אָֽמַר־ H559 ‘a·mar- For thus saith  יְ֠הוָה H3068 Yah·weh the LORD


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1 ASV)

“For thus saith Jehovah that created the heavens, the God that formed the earth and made it, that established it and created it not {1} a waste, that formed it to be inhabited: I am Jehovah; and there is none else. {1) Or [in vain]}” (Isaiah 45:18 ASV)

“Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever thou {1} hadst formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. {1) Heb [gavest birth to]}” (Psalms 90:2 ASV)

It does not say “gods” created, but speaks of a Singular Person. About That Figure we are also told He or It is not a man but a Spirit.

“{1} God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth. {1) Or [God is spirit]}” (John 4:24 ASV)

The followers of Christ Jesus, Jeshua the Messiah, had like he had, only One God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, Who is the heavenly Father of Jesus and us and is Only One. This One from the beginning later has given a new Adam by whom the world could start anew and all things could be as remade or reborn again.

“yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we through him.” (1 Corinthians 8:6 ASV)

“Hear, O Israel: {1} Jehovah our God is one Jehovah: {1) Or [Jehovah our God, Jehovah is one]; Or [Jehovah is our God, Jehovah is one]; Or [Jehovah is our God, Jehovah alone]}” (Deuteronomy 6:4 ASV)

“That they may know that {1} thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, Art the Most High over all the earth. {1) Or [thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art etc]}” (Psalms 83:18 ASV)

Created by speaking

The storyteller of the beginnings let us know that it was in a world of chaos were the earth was without order, and empty; and darkness  upon the face of the deep, that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. There it was at the early beginnings of everything that God let His Mind go over things and used His Spirit to let it come to Power saying something. He uttered words and spoke, demanding that there would be something and it came to being. And every time He had spoken and had come into existence He looked at it, saw that it was good, and than went over to create the next thing. Only because the Maker allows something to be it can come into existence even gods come into being because God allows them to exist.

H853 ‘et  הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם H8064 hash·sha·Ma·yim the heaven  וְאֵ֥ת H853 ve·’Et  הָאָֽרֶץ׃ H776 ha·’A·retz. the earth
Gen 1:2 וְהָאָ֗רֶץ H776 ve·ha·’A·retz, And the earth  הָיְתָ֥ה H1961 ha·ye·Tah was  תֹ֙הוּ֙ H8414 to·hu without form  וָבֹ֔הוּ

“And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God {1} moved upon the face of the waters. {1) Or [was brooding upon]}” (Genesis 1:2 ASV)

H922 va·Vo·hu, and void  וְחֹ֖שֶׁךְ H2822 ve·Cho·shech and darkness  עַל־ H5921 ‘al- upon  פְּנֵ֣י H6440 pe·Nei [was] upon the face  תְה֑וֹם H8415 te·Hom; of the deep  וְר֣וּחַ H7307 ve·Ru·ach And the Spirit  אֱלֹהִ֔ים H430 E·lo·Him, of God  מְרַחֶ֖פֶת H7363 me·ra·Che·fet moved  עַל־ H5921 ‘al- over  פְּנֵ֥י H6440 pe·Nei the face  הַמָּֽיִם׃ H4325 ham·Ma·yim. of the waters
Gen 1:3 וַיֹּ֥אמֶר H559 vai·Yo·mer said  אֱלֹהִ֖ים H430 E·lo·Him And God  יְהִ֣י H1961 ye·Hi Let there be  א֑וֹר H216 or;

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3 ASV)

Jehovah God asked it to be there and it became there.

Gen 1:6 וַיֹּ֣אמֶר H559 vai·Yo·mer said  אֱלֹהִ֔ים H430 E·lo·Him, And God  יְהִ֥י H1961 ye·Hi Let there be  רָקִ֖יעַ

“And God said, Let there be a {1} firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. {1) Heb [expanse]}” (Genesis 1:6 ASV)

In this way God spoke and everything came into being, but once it had started, having a beginning it received a cause. God being the Ultimate Power knows everything and brought to a cause the need to be sufficient, or adequate.

Today’s atheists, who like to use words like ‘rational’, ‘reasonable’ and ‘scientific’ in describing their beliefs, believe that the greatest beginning of all — that of the universe — had no cause whatsoever! Some admit it is a problem, but they claim that saying ‘God did it’ explains nothing because you then have to explain where God came from.

This is what brings the only dogma people should have. This brings up the only thing which demands a belief without a proof and without being able to see it. All the rest in the world and what we do believe can be proven and is available to our minds to be justified and unruffled. But to proof that there is that God Creator is almost impossible, though we being created in His image have elements of Him in us and have the feeling of His Power in us and can see it around us, in nature in things that happen. When looking around us we can see the complexity of our planet and how things are made up, which points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it still today.

Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This singular start to everything that exists which scientist are wanting to explain already for ages and of which their findings not ever were in contradiction to the Bible we can find it explained simply so that everybody could understand the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself. The Bible had never the intention to be a thorough book of scientific explanation. It is meant to be a handbook for everybody. The Holy Scriptures want to present an easy to follow and easy to understand manual.

The Word given

The Word of God brought everything into being: heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and every living thing. In the beginning, God called into existence by speaking, which is an uttering of sounds which forms words.

A big mistake of many Christians is that they consider those words to be different persons. they look at it as being a god person and another god person. They are mislead by misinterpreting the way the evangelist John looks at the creation of the world all together and looks at a new world he has seen come to into existence.

The apostle John, perhaps being the favourite young disciple of Jeshua (Jesus Christ), saw in Jesus the beginning of a New Creation in which Jesus is the 2° Adam, also created by the Word of God according to the Word God had given at the beginning of time. Namely, it was in the beginning God had spoken, had created the 1° Adam after He had made light (day 1), skies or heaven (day 2), put the earth into good shape having at His command the waters of the earth gathering together at certain places, forming seas and oceans, lakes and rivers, so that in other parts, the dry land became visible (day 3), after God’s further command, earth was made to produce all kinds of plants, grass, and trees, shrubs and flowers, each contained its own seed for further growth and reproduction, came the 4th day on which the sun, moon, and stars were created to shed light upon the earth.

By God His speaking there was set a time for day and a time for night, a time for the week, the month, and the year, and a time for each of the four seasons and soon after an other time was set to restore what that 1° Adam had ruined.

After God by His speaking had called for the seas to get filled with fishes and other water animals and to have in to the air above the earth flying animals on the 5° day he continued on the 6° day to created all the other animals, large and small, those that walk and those that creep or crawl on the earth. And towards the end of the sixth day, God putting His breath into a body which He made of earth and clay made a living soul. This was the human. This first man created being called Adam, which means first man of red blood. It was a man of flesh and blood made in the image of God.

Given to recognise

To this human being God granted high mental ability that one could think and reach one’s own conclusions. Jehovah God also gave the human the power of speech,giving them the possibility to create words, and He made humans superior to all other creatures of the earth which he could give names for himself and use them for himself.

This created being could be aware of that omnipresent Creator Deity and we too should by His works be able to come to recognise Who God is.

“For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, [even] his everlasting power and divinity; {1} that they may be without excuse: {1) Or [so that they are]}” (Romans 1:20 ASV)

Nobody has an excuse not able to come to see or understand creation and the Hand behind it, because everything around us declares the Hand and Work of God.

“1 «For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.» The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament showeth his handiwork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, And night unto night showeth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language; Their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a {1} tabernacle for the sun, {1) Heb [tent]}” (Psalms 19:1-4 ASV)

“Lift up your eyes on high, {1} and see who hath created these, that bringeth out their host by number; he calleth them all by name; by the greatness of his might, and for that he is strong in power, not one is lacking. {1) Or [and see: who hath created these? he that etc]}” (Isaiah 40:26 ASV)

All people, creatures of the Most High Maker, should have the feeling deep in them. They all, having some elements of Him, should have some feeling that there is that Maker, God Who doesn’t come and go. God lasts. He’s Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn’t get tired out, doesn’t pause to catch his breath. And he knows everything, inside and out. (Isaiah 40:28)

Though by time lots of people still did not come to know their God, Jesus having given His Word to reunite man with His good creation, made His Word, His Speaking or His Word of Promise, to become reality, having it come onto this world, being born some two thousand years ago. The child born out of the tribe of king David was that long ago, in the Garden of Eden promised Messiah. (see The very very beginning 3 Messiah’s total point of origination)

The Word, God and a god

“In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.” (NWT)

“The Word was in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God.” (The New Testament in An Improved Version)

Or literally there is written in the book of books, the bible, which we consider the infallible Word of God:

Yah Chanan (#Jo 1:1-3): In the beginning the Word having been and the Word having been unto God and God having been the Word he having been, in the beginning, unto God all through his hand became: and without him not even one being whatever became.

Traditionally or total at the origin of all things, there was the Word, the expression of the Most High Elohim Hashem Jehovah. By that coming out of breath from His ‘Mouth’ all the creatures of the earth and the powers of nature where created and placed in the control of the other creature, called human.

Having the saying “the Word was a god” makes many Christians wanting to see that such word was not only just ‘a’ ‘god’ but ‘the God’. They transfer the title of any higher person, like Apollo, Zeus, Erebus, Gaea, Tartarus, Pharaoh, Moses, even angels, are called gods, to making Jesus from a god into the God.

People seem to forget that in the beginning the Word already existed, because the Elohim Maker of everything was already in existing. The Divine Maker is the Supreme Being without a beginning, meaning never born nor created. He had no mother, though several Christians want Him to have a mother like the many gods have their Mother Earth Gaea.

The Word was with God because it is something which comes into existing by using the Mind, and God used His Power, the Holy Spirit, to bring forth His thinking and His speaking. It was God’s Voice that sounded over all chaos and made order, because God is a God of order and not a god of disorder and not a god of confusion.

God His Voice bringing forth Words, had each Word of very high value and as such was His Word highly placed and as such being ‘a god’. But the evangelist John is not only talking of the beginning of the world in general. He sees the Old World and a New World. For him Jesus is the beginning of the New World, the New Creation. And Jesus is also brought forward by the speaking of God already at the beginning of the world, though he only came into being so many thousands of years later. That Nazarene man John and some others had followed as good disciples, he considered the 2° Adam and the long awaited promised Messiah.

As Jesus was the core-figure of the movement ‘The Way‘, a Jewish sect some two thousand years ago, John, Stephen and many others saw in him also a very special rabbi and prophet, a sent one from God, who might, by many, also be considered a god, like there where many gods honoured in John’s time and still now. Though we may not forget that a god is not at all the same as The God, the Creator of heaven and earth, Who was worshipped by Jesus Christ as the Only One God Who was greater than him (Jesus) and any other human being. Jesus was the son of God and not a god son.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 ASV)

“but when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,” (Galatians 4:4 ASV)

“Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father doing: for what things soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like manner.” (John 5:19 ASV)

“Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father: for the Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28 ASV)



Preceding post: The very very beginning 1 Creating Gods

Next chapters:

Readings from Scriptures: Genesis – Story of creation 1 Genesis 1:1-25 Creation of things

Readings from Scriptures: Story of creation 2 Genesis 1:26-31 Creation of man

Readings from Scriptures: Genesis – Story of creation 3 Genesis 2:1-15 Story of Adam and Eve

Readings from Scriptures: Genesis – Story of creation 4 Genesis 2:16-25 Warning for Adam and Eve

The very very beginning 3 Messiah’s total point of origination

Readings from Scriptures: Genesis – Story of creation 4 Genesis 3:1-13 The fall

Readings from Scriptures: Genesis – Story of creation 4 Genesis 3:14-24 consequneces of the fall and solution



Additional reading:

  1. Pluralis Majestatis in the Holy Scriptures
  2. How are we sure God exists?
  3. Only one God
  4. God is One
  5. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God
  6. Bible word of God, inspired and infallible
  7. Bible power to change
  8. Bible basic intro
  9. Creator and Blogger God 1 Emptiness and mouvement
  10. Does He exists?
  11. Hashem השם, Hebrew for “the Name”
  12. I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered
  13. Lord or Yahuwah, Yeshua or Yahushua (Video)
  14. Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name (Video)
  15. Use of /Gebruik van Jehovah or/of Yahweh in Bible Translations/Bijbel vertalingen
  16. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #2 Calling upon the Name of God
  17. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #1 Creator and His Prophets
  18. He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him
  19. Jesus begotten Son of God #3 Messiah or Anointed one
  20. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  21. Experiencing God
  22. Jesus and his God
  23. Jesus begotten Son of God #11 Existence and Genesis Raising up
  24. Titles of God beginning with the Aleph in Hebrew
  25. Another way looking at a language #5 Aramic, Hebrew and Greek
  26. Hashem השם, Hebrew for “the Name”
  27. A look at evolution from a Christadelphian perspective
  28. People Seeking for God 7 The Lord and lords
  29. Lord in place of the divine name
  30. Men as God
  31. Fragments from the Book of Job #4: chapters 27-31
  32. Bad things no punishment from God
  33. Two states of existence before God


  • The Lord Protects (
    Who is like you oh believer, a person saved by the Lord? The Lord is your shield and helper means God helps you by protecting you.  He being your glorious sword implies the Lord fights battles on your behalf in other to protect you, as you live in His spirit of excellence.
  • The Principle of Intellectual and Spiritual Freedom (
    In understanding the occult position, one will at once understand the position of the Yazdān traditions possessed by the Kurds; but it would not be realistic to understand the position of Blavatsky or the secret doctrine all at once. Her position is totally from the esoteric position, symbolical, astronomical, & philosophical.
  • All The Ways I Killed People As The Son Of Satan (
    Lucius is a sad-looking little boy. He’s also the spawn of Satan. The original Lucius pretty much followed the plot for The Omen: you’re the son of Satan, now go and kill everybody in your house one by one. Think Hitman, but as an evil demonic kid. Despite being somewhat fun, it felt very restrictive in that it only allowed you to use specific items on specific people in a pre-scripted way.
  • ‘Satanic capital’ claims dismissed (
    In the most recent census, 17 people in Bolsover wrote Satanism as their religion.This suggested it had the highest concentration of Satanists in England and Wales.

    But the Church of Satan believes many people had lied on their census forms because they “think it is funny”.

  • “The Devil Made Me Do It”: Savage Crimes Committed In The Name of Satan (
    Satanism seems to be growing at a rapid rate. These “churches” are devoted followers of the devil, Lucifer, Satan, or any number of names. They include Luciferianism, Palladists, Our Lady of Endor Coven, and even Atheistic Satanism (people who believe in the devil, but not God). They choose a more materialistic religion that they feel embodies “the flesh,” claiming their religion champions individualism, epicureanism, secularism, and egoism, while propagating a worldview of naturalism, Social Darwinism, and Lex Talionis.

The Servant’s Prayer

About two thousand years ago a man was born who only wanted to do the Will of God. He regularly prayed to his heavenly Father and learned his followers also to pray like him saying “Our Father“.

Christ in Gethsemane (Christus in Gethsemane),...
The man Jeshua, Christ Jesus, who offered himself as a servant for God and man, praying in Gethsemane – Christus in Gethsemane, oil painting by Heinrich Ferdinand Hofmann (Heinrich Hofmann). The original is at the Riverside Church (Riverside Church, New York City). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Before we start anything we better think about that servant of God and offer ourselves also as servant in His Hands.
Offering ourselves as part of the Body of Christ we can lift up our prayers in the name of Jesus, and count on him who is now sitting at the right hand of the heavenly Father, the One and Only One God of gods, Who is the Divine Creator of heaven and earth, and Who is Willing to listen to us, when we come up to Him in sincerity and love for Him and His creation.

Therefore let us all pray to the Most High God that He shall inspire and guide us throughout our search for truth and in our trials to find the Way to the small gate of the Kingdom of God.


Recommended to read also:

  1. Servant for the truth of God
  2. Servant of his Father
  3. Faithful and wise servant
  4. No Other Name (But Jesus)
  5. A participation in the body of Christ
  6. Praise the most High Jehovah God above all


  • Prayer for Christian Unity (
    Thank you for churches in Belgium, Botswana, Bolivia, Bulgaria and Burma…
    Christians praising the name of Jesus
    in cathedrals, basilicas and small church buildings,
    in open air services and house churches.
    Thank you for our place in the whole body of Christ.

    Forgive us, God, for our short sightedness,
    our parochialism, our obliviousness to the richness of your body,

  • Listen: The Lord’s Prayer: A Practical Guide, Part 1 (Praying Through the Bible #124 with Daniel Whyte III) (
    1. Prayer should be a regular, everyday activity.
    2. Prayer ought not to be done for the purpose of being seen by others.
    3. Those who pray in a hypocritical manner — that is to be seen by men — will get their reward: they will be heard by men, and receive their praise from men, but they will not have their prayers answered by God.
    4. Most prayer ought to be carried out faithfully in private before God alone.
    5. Those who pray in secret before God will be heard by God and rewarded openly.
    6. We should not use vain repetition in our prayers.
    7. We ought to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and omniscience in our prayers.
    8. We ought to follow the Lord’s Prayer as a model in our prayer life.
    9. Our prayers do not have to be long in order to be effective.
    10. Our prayers ought to encompass the six essential parts contained in the Lord’s Prayer.
  • The Lord’s Prayer-Remix (
    As a rule, people approached God at best as one would a king; they came as a subject, not as a son or daughter. And the tendency was to multiply titles ascribing greatness to God.
    When we pray, we are coming to a loving Father who knows our needs and wants to give good things to us. Jesus made this clear.
    Never think that you are kneeling or standing alone, rather think that the whole of Christendom, all devout Christians, are standing there beside you and you are standing among them in a common, united petition which God cannot disdain.
  • You are not alone when you pray (
    The Spirit of God, the Helper, “helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26) He knows what we want to pray for, but can’t; what we should pray for, but don’t.

    The Son of God, Jesus Christ, “is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34). He is our Savior and His name ensures that we will receive everything according to God’s will.

  • Thank God for the Hands (
    Freedom. Deliverance. For whatever reason, at some point in the prior weeks I began studying out of fear, but now I was studying from a place of liberty and joy. I was studying because these are the very things I want written on my heart. I want to know these things about God so well, that they just start dripping off my lips without my even thinking about it. I want to know this God revealed in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, His grace that goes before us, grace that justifies us, grace that transforms us and liberates us to know love, be loved, and to love.
  • A Morning Prayer (
    There is an amazing connection between God’s word and prayer and it is this: God talks to man through His Word and man talks to God through prayer. The two go hand in hand. They are synonymous.
  • Prayer and Fasting Season (
    The year 2015 will  be our best year so far when we truthfully decide to dedicate the first month of the year to God. A heart that is humbled and fully surrendered before God is a heart worth blessing. More than the prayer requests made, prayer and fasting draw us closer to our Creator. It deepens our love and longing for His presence in our lives.

    When we get serious in seeking Him, we will surely find Him. The scriptures say in Jeremiah 29:13, if you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. See, our living God wants to be found! He wants us to know His character, identify His presence and enjoy His company. God wants to be with us and around us. Seeking Him first above all else brings joy in His heart. What a joy it will be when we bring a smile to our Heavenly Father’s face.

  • Matthew 14:23 – After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. (
    Jesus was always connecting to his heavenly Father in prayer. The gospel accounts record that he would often be found in a lonely place praying. The pattern is pretty clear—Jesus found renewal in prayer. As Christians, why would we think any differently? We are quick to do bible studies—even studies on prayer—but do we pray? To walk in the ways of Jesus is to seek God in prayer.
  • A Prayer For Marriages – Friends And Our Own (via Scotty Smith) (
    Free us to forbear with each other, and forgive each other, as you so generously relate to us in Jesus. Until the day you take one of us home, help us to encourage one another and build each other up. Help us to outdo one another in kindness. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus merciful and mighty name.
  • 5110 and Prayer (
    Prayer is our communication to God. This is where I am also thankful. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, God made it possible for us to be connected and be in right relationship with God.
    We are on a journey in life. God as our loving Father, wants us to be always connected to Him. He made sure that it would be a sure, uninterrupted, constant, solid and loving communication. As such communication came with a high cost through radical sacrifice of His Son, the Lord Jesus. He is our direct line to the Heavenly Father.

Martha L Shaw - Poet, Writer, Author, Artist


I cried out to you and you answered me.  You called me your own and as I sat at your feet you lovingly showed me the way to go.  You allow me to serve you but oh how my heart aches with desire for you and how I long to go still deeper in you, and to serve you more.  Lord, show me the way.  Amen


By Martha L Shaw – ©  1-4-2015


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